--> Course Update on Specific Soft Tissue Techniques

Update on Specific Soft Tissue Techniques

The Manual Techniques, which we mostly learned from non-medical therapists but with a great gift of observation and manual skill, are then extraordinary tools when we apply them with professional criteria.

They are not the exclusive patrimony of doctors, but of all those who work on the musculoskeletal system, each one from their angle of action; but then with the same professionalism as a common denominator. “The right to study and information cannot be denied to anyone” (Prof. Dr. Robert Maigne).

They must select those maneuvers of proven value and with specific protocols, according to the particular case and the necessary experience of the therapist, respecting the structure and function of the system as a fundamental rule of treatment. Then understand the importance of the soft parts, within the dysfunctional system. It is these structures that maintain and move the musculoskeletal system. Its functional resolution is unthinkable without a specific and professional treatment of soft structures. Hence the importance that the manual therapist or the specialist in Orthopedic and Manual Medicine, know and practice specific techniques of soft tissue approach.


Enrollment school periods:

  • 1st edition: from June 1 to August 29, 2021
  • 2nd edition: from September 1 to November 28, 2021
  • 3rd edition: from December 1, 2021 to February 27, 2022
  • 4th edition: from March 1 to May 29, 2022

Module 1: Introduction. History of MOM and Soft Tissue. Current focus. The Clinical History in Mechanical Syndrome. The anamnesis in MOM.
Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Module 2: Therapeutic massage. History, theory, current vision. The clinical examination in MOM.
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Module 3: ARRE Technique (Strán Method). Application in the spinal sector.
Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Module 4: ARRE Technique (Strán Method). Application in the sector of the cervico-dorsal spine.
Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Module 5: Therapeutic massage in MOM.
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Module 6: The stretching massage technique. Maneuvers in the spine.
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Module 7: Muscle energy techniques. Myotensive. Mitchell technique. Main maneuvers in the spine.
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Module 8: Jones technique. Mobilization maneuvers and manual traction. Towel traction.
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Module 9: Mechanical syndrome in the lumbar sector. Clinical analysis and therapeutic guidelines with Soft Tissues in MOM.
Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Module 10: Mechanical syndrome in the cervico-dorsal sector. Clinical analysis and therapeutic guidelines with Soft Tissues in MOM.
Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Practical maneuvers (Examples).

Recommended reading.

Final exam.

Satisfaction survey.

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Teaching Hours
180 €
Actividad acreditada por el Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries - Comisión de Formación Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salud con 1,6 créditos - Nº de Registro. 09/029873-MD
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Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Dr. Carlos Daniel Strán

Doctor en Medicina UDELAR y Especialista en Medicina Ortopédica Manual. Miembro de la SEMOYM. Consulta privada en
Montevideo, Uruguay
Nº colegiado 3.288.726-4
Colegio Médico del Uruguay
Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Dr. Jordi Sagrera-Ferrándiz

Especialista en terapias manuales y Magister en Medicina Manual. Miembro de la SEMOYM
Consulta privada en Barcelona
Nº colegiado 8142
Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Barcelona