--> Course B3 Liquid cytology II Edition Online

B3 Liquid cytology II Edition Online

Welcome to the Second Online Edition of the Cytology of Liquids Course!

Serous cavities usually contain a minimum amount of fluid for lubrication. But there is a variable amount of neoplastic and non-neoplastic processes that give rise to fluid accumulation or effusion. These cavities are upholstered by mesothelium. The cytological investigation of ascites and pleural fluid is very old (1928) since every spill that is formed is pathological, whatever its etiology, benign or malignant, which must be elucidated after its study, hence the importance of the cytological examination and continuing education in this regard in our professionals.

In fact, the main reason for sending a liquid from any location to the pathology laboratory is to determine whether or not there are neoplastic cells. And it is important to note that many of the protocols of the American College of Pathologists (Cancer protocol Templates) include in their items the assessment of serous cavity fluids for proper staging of the neoplasm.

The course, with important professionals as authors of the subjects, consists of a theoretical framework in each Unit, a complete bank of cytological images, bibliographic recommendations and clinical cases.

1. Pleural and Pericardial 
(Dr. B. Eizaguirre)

2. Ascetic 
(Dr. I. Catalina Fernández) 

3. Urine cytology
(Dr. Domingo de Agustin)

4. Cytology of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 
(Dr. Alicia Cazorla) 

5. Synovial 
(Dr. AM. Puig and Dr. José Luis Sanz)

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hospital del mar
Teaching Hours
120 €
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Dra. Belén Lloveras Rubio

Dra. Belén Lloveras Rubio

Jefe Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital del Mar, Barcelona
Nº de Colegiado 17933
Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona


Dra. Beatriz Eizaguirre Zarza

Dra. Beatriz Eizaguirre Zarza

Médico Especialista Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Zaragoza


Dra. Inmaculada Catalina-Fernández

Dra. Inmaculada Catalina-Fernández

Médico Especialista Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina, Badajoz
Dr. Domingo de Agustín Vázquez

Dr. Domingo de Agustín Vázquez

Médico Especialista Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital Ruber Internacional, Madrid
Dra. Alicia Cazorla Jiménez

Dra. Alicia Cazorla Jiménez

Médico Especialista Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid
Dra. Ana Mª Puig Rullán

Dra. Ana Mª Puig Rullán

Jefe emérito, Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real
Dr. José Luis Sanz Trenado

Dr. José Luis Sanz Trenado

Médico Interno Residente Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
Hospital General y Universitario de Ciudad Real


Dr. Jorge Antonio Hidalgo Muñoz, Médico Patólogo Forense en Caja de Seguro Social, Panamá

“Es imposible destacar un autor o un tema porque todos son excelentes. Es un Curso muy completo que cubre los aspectos más importantes de la citología de efusión. Totalmente recomendable.”