Being a health professional and person: Facing the current life change to better serve patients
Welcome to the Online Course Being a health professional and person!
The current life situation is challenging for all of us. Our life has been out of place for three months and we have to get it back on track. This situation is further complicated if we are health professionals. Why? Because having the same uncertainty as everyone else, there is the pressure to save lives, help and have answers ... that we had before Covid-19 and now we don't.
Because to help and sustain others, we have to feel that our personal soil is stable and does not falter. Because to care for patients, we first have to learn how to care for ourselves.
The objective of this course is to enhance our quality of life in the face of change, learn strategies that help us to cope with overload and confusion and minimize the psychological impact of the current situation on our professional and personal life. Before we are health professional, we are people and that must be the starting point.
* In the Preview tab, you will find the video presentation of the course.
Enrollment class periods:
- 1st term: from 1/3/2021 to 30/5/2021
- 2nd term: from 1/6/2021 to 29/8/2021
- 3rd term: from 1/9/2021 to 28/11/2021
- 4th term: from 1/12/2021 to 28/2/2022
MODULE 1: The emotional response in healthcare professionals: What are emotions? What are the natural and characteristic emotions that appear in moments of sanitary overload like the one we are experiencing? How do they manifest? What are the best ways to manage them? What individual differences exist in the experience and coping with critical situations? Are there positive emotions and negative emotions? What strategies are useful to adapt to moments of uncertainty?
MODULE 2: Stress management in the current health situation: What is stress? How does it manifest itself in situations of change and uncertainty? What are the normal and usual stress reactions? What characteristic responses do you have in my thinking, my emotions, and my behavior?
MODULE 3: Post-traumatic stress as a possible consequence of the impact of Covid-19: Wha´t is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? How to detect it? How can we handle it if it happens to us or if it happens to others?
MODULE 4: Effects of empathy attrition and emotional exhaustion: What is emotional exhaustion or empathy attrition? How to detect it? What can we do to prevent it? Is it a direct consequence of all healthcare professionals?
MODULE 5: Grief in the healthcare professional: What is grief? How can we face a significant loss in our life? Is mourning a process that occurs exclusively in the death of a loved one? What resources can we develop to prepare the duel and that it is not complicated?
MODULE 6: Accompaniment and support for other bereaved people: How can we help other bereaved people? What behaviors help and which ones can harm?
MODULE 7: Self-care: personal keys for the prevention of problems of adaptation to highly stressful situations: What keys favor stress impact more on some people than on others? What is self-care? How can we learn to truly care for ourselves? How to enhance our quality of life in difficult times?
MODULE 8: Social support: How important are others to my stress response? How can you help me? Is giving and receiving help a simple psychological process? How do we build a team right now?
MODULE 9: Be professional and personal: What are values? What role do they play in the ability to help others and in my professional satisfaction? Can we choose our values?
MODULE 10: "Practical pills" to help myself in my own adaptation as a healthcare: Experiential and practical exercises to promote my adaptation. Learning to help ourselves.
Si ya te Matriculaste
Vanessa Abrines Bendayán
Psicóloga sanitaria. DirectoraVanessa Abrines & Asocs.
Nº de Colegiada 16642
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
Susana Zazo Díaz
Psicóloga sanitaria. CodirectoraClínica Goya. Psicología y Psiquiatría
Nº de Colegiada 19086
Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid